June Newsletter

  As we continue to move forward, our team are slowly returning to spending more time in the office and we look forward to once again seeing all our lovely clients. In the meantime, as always, there is a lot going on with VAT and payroll that we would be more than happy to help you […]

Food and drink VAT rates explained

If you operate a business, then VAT on goods and services will be something you are familiar with. However, for those working in the food and drink sector, it can be complex and confusing. Depending on whether you are a food retailer, producer, manufacturer, wholesaler or selling food and drink in the hospitality sector, different […]

Our guide to tax codes

Tax codes – they’re the odd looking combination of numbers and letters on your payslip. They might seem fairly insignificant at first glance, but what do they really mean? And how do you know if yours is correct? Here, we discuss what tax codes are, how to ensure yours is correct and what to do […]

Back to business – life after lockdown

Here at AMR Bookkeeping Solutions, we are wishing all the businesses that have recently reopened or that will be unlocking their doors in the coming weeks the very best of luck for a successful and prosperous future free of restrictions. With more and more businesses reopening after a long hiatus, we thought it would be […]

How Tax Day might affect you – latest government updates and consultations

Tax Day is the day the government publishes proposed changes to tax policy, including proposed consultations, updates and other information. This year, Tax Day took place on 23rd March – exactly one year since the country first entered lockdown. While the announcements are a process of consultations, reviews and updates and, therefore, have no immediate […]

Budget 2021 – key information and updates for businesses

On 3 March, Rishi Sunak delivered his first budget since the pandemic started. There was a lot of speculation ahead of his speech as to what tax changes would be unveiled and how businesses, many of which have felt the full force of the economic impact of COVID-19, would be affected going forwards. Here, we […]

Does your small business need a bookkeeper?

As a small business owner, keeping things operational while trying to balance the books isn’t always a straightforward job. While it might be tempting to tackle every task that comes your way, it’s not always the best method for making the most out of your business. Here, we’ve put together our top five reasons for […]

March Newsletter

  As lockdown is, hopefully, being eased within the next few weeks, we are very pleased we have been able to offer all of our usual bookkeeping and payroll services during the lockdown periods and we are looking forward to returning to “normal” in the not too distant future.  We are hoping to be returning […]

MTD Webinar

Hosted by Perrys, AMR and SMEAdvisor. The webinar covered MTD for Income Tax, Software, Health and Safety and HR after Covid. Watch it below! All slides shown in the webinar can be downloaded here: Making Tax Digital Bookkeeping and Software HR and Health and Safety Visit SMEAdvisor’s FAQ sheet here: Visit Perrys’s website here: Perrys […]

Who needs a profit and loss statement?

Make no mistake, a profit and loss statement is essential for the end of year accounts for every company, however large or small.  A profit and loss statement, also known as a profit and loss account, gives a clear view of whether a limited company, partnership or sole trader has made money or lost money.  […]